Veterans: What's Your Money Personality?
Whether you're a veteran, a family member, or a caregiver each of us has a ‘Money Personality’ that gives insight into our relationship with money, our impulses, how we save, and how we spend. Knowing yours is the first step in creating positive financial habits that get you closer to your goals.
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Whether you're a veteran, spouse, family member, or caregiver each of us has a ‘Money Personality’ that gives insight into our relationship with money, our impulses, how we save, and how we spend. At Veteran Saves, our goal is to encourage you to save successfully. Knowing your money personality type can give great insight into instincts and clues on how to be most effective in your quest to save more, reduce debt, and build wealth.
Take the ‘What’s Your Money Personality Type’ Quiz, then share your results on social media. Don’t forget to take the Veteran Saves Pledge (or repledge with a new goal)! Veteran Saves will send you resources, information, and nudges that help you stay on track with your savings goals. Consider us your savings accountability partner!